Now is the perfect time to ensure your property is prepared.
Western Australia’s long, dry summers bring about extreme temperatures, creating a high risk of bushfires. There were over 230 bushfires in the South West Region last season. With potentially devastating consequences, those in high risk areas cannot afford to be complacent about bushfire safety.
One of the most common ways that people are alerted to a bushfire, is through friends, family and neighbours. Communities are encouraged to connect and prepare together, to discuss how you will prepare and the plan of action to take during a bushfire.
Most homes lost in bushfires are from ember attack, where burning embers are carried by strong winds landing on buildings, easily burnt items or vegetation close to the home.
To reduce the risk, the DFES recommends you walk around your property, and imagine a bushfire is coming.
Extreme risk areas are those properties within 100 metres of bush. The DFES recommends you have an emergency kit of essentials ready to go incase you are evacuated or cut off during a bushfire.
Bushfires are unpredictable, flaring up suddenly, and without warning, and can rapidly spread or change direction.
They occur every summer in Western Australia. Now is the time to be safe, and be prepared.
There are number of community events being held for the upcoming bushfire season preparation, contact your local council for more information.
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